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What is a concussion? Concussion, is a mild traumatic brain injury, occurs after trauma to the head. It can occur with or without loss of consciousness. A concussion can affect physical, emotional, and mental well-being. MRIs and CT scans do not show evidence of this injury. Concussion symptoms occur due to chemical and energy changes in the brain.
Example of the chemical changes occur in the brain as a result of concussion:
The intracellular calcium in the brain increases to 5 times normal for up to 3 days.
The extracellular potassium increases by 4 times for up to 24 hours.
Glucose increases by 2 times during the first 20 minutes after the injury then decreases below baseline.
Blood flow to the brain can drop by over 20%.
Such metabolic changes in the brain requires physical and cognitive rest in order for the brain to heal.

Signs and symptoms of Concussion
Symptoms of concussion impair day-to-day function and are variable. Most people that experience a concussion have full recovery within a few days or weeks. Others have symptoms for a longer period of time. Loss of consciousness is a medical emergency and needs immediate attention.
Physical symptoms may include:
Imbalance/difficulty walking
Difficulty sleeping
Double or blurred vision
Sensitivity to light and sound.
Emotional symptoms may include:
Mood swings
Aggression, or decreased tolerance of stress
Cognitive symptoms may include:
Short or long term memory loss
Slowed processing
Difficulty concentrating
Concussion Treatment
It is important that the recommendations of all medical professionals be followed in order to maximize recovery.
The most important treatment for a concussion is REST. Strenuous activity should be avoided.
Patients should refrain from taking anti-inflammatory medication, alcohol or other stimulants after the injury.
Athletes should stay home from school until symptoms clear up.
Students may need to return to half days prior to full days of
chool depending on their symptoms.
How does vestibular rehabilitation relate to concussions?
The vestibular system includes the inner ear, which is very small and fragile. It is located in the skull just behind the ear. This system helps balance and senses head movement. The inner ear also allows your eyes to stay focused while the head is moving.
Trauma, like concussions, can cause damage to this system or the connections to the brain. Symptoms of a damaged vestibular system include dizziness and imbalance
Return to Sports
Athletes should not return to sports until symptoms are gone and a physician has cleared them.
An athlete who is not fully recovered is at greater risk of “Second Impact Syndrome.” This can occur when a person suffers a second blow before recovering from the first.
At the onset of second impact syndrome, the brain rapidly begins to swell. This can lead to brain damage and/or death.
How can physical therapy help if I have a concussion?
As part of the diagnostic assessment, early detection of postural deficits is important for appropriate and targeted interventions.
Your PT will perform an evaluation to assess imbalance and determine postural stability by testing all balance components, including visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems.
Our PT will guide the activity you perform to safely return to daily life, without the brain becoming overloaded.
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(941) 966 - 1227